The lobby of the children’s hospital looks far from being a sterile environment. The interior is colourful, playful and not created solely for children's eyes. In its interior design, Finnish furniture manufacturer ISKU Interior plays with open and inviting elements.
Yet functionally, everything about the hospital’s interior design revolves around hygiene and protection. In the concept behind Isku+, everything is geared towards making materials antimicrobial: furniture surfaces, textiles, artwork, paints and laminates all feature antimicrobial technology. This supports the traditional cleaning and disinfection processes in the hospital environment.
This is why antibacterial laser edgebands from REHAU are also used in ISKU+ furniture. Edgebands from the RAUKANTEX health.protect program use specially coordinated formulations and coatings to produce their antibacterial effect. These are chemically effective against a wide range of harmful bacteria such as staphylococci or colibacteria and neutralise up to 99.9 per cent of these pathogens.
In its use of these special edgebands, ISKU Interior also relies on RAUKANTEX pro – the edgeband for invisible joint technologies. A perfect, functional invisible joint is the only way to permanently and seamlessly close the critical join between the edgeband and the surface. The edgeband with its polymer functional layer is seamlessly welded to the panel on suitable equipment. ISKU Interior has certified its quality, environmental and safety systems to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. ISKU also has PEFC certification for its sustainable production.